Ayurvedic skin care

Ayurvedic theory states that skin conditions originate from deep-rooted dosha imbalances. Ayurvedic skin care thus relies on dosha analysis as a first step. Thus any skin disorder which is visible and affects just skin surface has a deep rooted internal body origin. Ayurveda rather than treating the skin condition externally using topical agents, looks at human body holistically, locates and targets the root cause.

According to Ayurveda, a healthy skin is due to an overall good health. It is the by-product of a healthy consumption orally and also via our skin.

5 senses

Skin is the fifth of the five sensory organs performing the function of feel. Other major functions of skin include defence, thermo-sensing, temperature regulation and excretory function.

Skin diseases

Common causative factors of skin diseases are genetic, consumption of incompatible food, climatic factors such as exposure of skin to excessive climatic variations, mental factors and allergy.

Some of the common skin ailments where ayurvedic skin care can be applied are acne, eczema, fungal infections, cracked heels and psoriasis.

Ayurvedic skin care for Acne

Acne in very simple terms is the result of inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Key symptoms

• Inflamed pustules
• Excessively oily skin
• Infected cysts and scarring in severe cases

Acne in women is due to a variety of causes and ayurvedic treatment looks at treating the underlying cause. Acne at an adolescent age requires one specific treatment regime whereas acne due to PCOS requires an entirely different set of ayurvedic therapy.

Thus, the ayurvedic practitioner looks at your body holistically to ascertain the root cause of your acne. This involves identifying your ayurvedic body type and the dosha combinations involved to specify a customised ayurvedic skin care regimen for you.


Eczema or dermatitis can take various forms of skin inflammations. Some instances are acute in nature whereas some others are chronic in nature.

Eczema can be triggered by a variety of reasons. Environmentally caused eczema can be due chemical or metal irritants. Such eczema could be localised and a typical case is eczema caused by a watch strap.

Allergic eczema, however, can impact any body parts. In women, creases of the skin such as the folds inside the elbows or under the breasts are often affected.

Key symptoms during acute dermatitis

• Redness
• Swelling
• Weeping and oozing

Key symptoms during chronic dermatitis

• Redness of skin
• crusting
• scaling
• Thickening of skin
• Itching

Fungal Infections

Ringworm, athlete’s foot and other skin infections are caused by fungi. Toes and scalp are the most commonly affected area.

Key symptoms

• Red very irritant patches
• Scaly or peeling skin


Psoriasis is resultant of over production of skin keratinocytes, which fail to mature into normal keratin. It can be associated with immune dysfunction and may follow streptococcal infection or skin injury. It can also be correlated to a tense / isolated personality and an unwillingness to get close to other people and may be aggravated by stress and worry. A tendency for psoriasis often runs in families.

Key symptoms of psoriasis

• Patches of red skin often with silver coloured scales
• Cycle of remission and recurrence

Ayurveda and skin care

Ayurvedic treatments provide some of the easiest solutions. Ayurvedic skin care focuses on restoring the individual’s internal balance. A normal procedure is the ayurvedic cleanse or panchakarma. Cleansing and cooling herbs will be planned in accordance with your body constitution.

Excessive pitta dosha causes the blood to overheat and transforms the skin into an impure state. Excessive Vata dosha causes skin dryness while excessive Kapha dosha leads to weeping and itchy sores.

When dosha vitiation is minimal and is localised then shamana treatments are the best choice.Such dosha imbalances are pacified with shamana therapy using internal medicines and externally applied herbal paste, medicated oil, ayurvedic ointments etc. These are supported using an appropriate ayurvedic diet.

This is normally the case with children and people who are physically weak.

Chronic cases where dosha imbalance is substantial, a shodhana (purification/cleanse) treatment is a must. In such situations a full blown panchakarma is the treatment of choice.

To know more about Ayurwoman’s Ayurvedic skin care treatment options, kindly get in touch with our Ayurvedic Practitioner in Melbourne via phone or email or by filling the contact form on the site.